Citizen-Science web & mobile application - Ceahlău National Park

The main purpose of the application is to involve visitors to protected natural areas in the collection of data of scientific value. This was achieved by supporting Citizen-Science projects – collecting points of presence of some species in the field. The data collected – for example, the footprint of a bear on the trail – helps us better understand the structure of populations and the needs of animals in the protected area. The app also supports visitors with useful information (about routes, cabins, visiting rules, contact details) for efficient and safe exploration of the area.
In the development process, constant attention was paid to the application of best practices at the level of code organization (modularity, extensibility, expressiveness) as well as in terms of UX (ease of use, intuitive interface).

Challenges encountered
1. Presenting .gpx geographic information and points of interest in an interactive and useful format for the end user.
2. Aggregation and correlation of geographical information.

Team members
Project Manager, Graphic Designer, FrontEnd Developer, BackEnd Developer, Database Architect, Android Developer, iOS Developer, Tester
Technologies used
PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, jQuery, Java, Swift, Google Maps, Open Maps
The duration of the project was 9 months.