
What Do Millenials Really Want From Mobile Apps?
When you want to create a mobile app, it would be ideal to launch an app that people want to use. If we are looking at what do millenials want from a mobile app, well, this is the one question that every internet marketer wants to know the answer to, because it’s obvious. If you understand what mobile device users want, you can dominate the market in the future.
Unfortunately, this is a fundamental question which few application developers, app agencies and founder spend time thinking about it before launching a mobile app.
This would be the starting point – understanding the problem that your mobile app solves.
The real problem is that nowdays, people want everything from a mobile apps. They want them to be used in order to make life simpler. Anything that would make the life simpler for a person will become a success. Mobile developers from all around the world want to offer people what they want and that is becoming easy these days.
For example, millennials want mobility. They do not want to be restricted to a desk when they want to use an Internet feature. Developers and app creators work really hard in order to give people access to such features. The brand new gadgets that appear will always have some sort of connection to an app because this is what people want.
Mobility is something that will happen a lot faster than we are tempted to believe. A few years ago, we did not even dare to believe that we could turn on the lights in our homes with the use of a mobile phone. Now it is something that already appeared on the market. Who knows what the future will offer us?
Following a research, millennials have high expectations for a few of the basics. Let’s see some key attributes of an ideal mobile app for millennials.
#Don’t use my phone battery
The millennials hate the apps that drain their mobile batteries. Even if it is a fantastic application, it must consume as little battery as possible. For example, Pokemon Go, one of the most explosive app of all time, received harsh criticism for running in the background and consuming a lot of battery.
#Don’t send me push notifications
Almost half of this millennial mobile survey disliked the apps that send too many notifications. Your mobile app should attract people through valuable stuff, not through annoying notifications, sent far too often
#Data usage
Even if it seems unreal, for many people, mobile data consumption remains extremely important, when deciding wheter or not they like a mobile app.
As Millennials continue to drive the digital media market forward, understanding the behaviors that differentiate them is the key to understanding where the market is headed.
If you want to learn more about our process for building mobile apps – Contact us. We would love to schedule some time to chat with you about what we do and how we could help.